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Eye Tracking Exercise

Extreme close-up of eyes

Squash players may be interested in this app that was recently posted on a Reddit page and the maker claims that eye exercises increase blood flow to the brain, and improve focus, reaction time, visual acuity, and eye-to-hand coordination.

According to Dr Huberman, smooth pursuit (tracking objects through space) can improve vision. This helps keep the extraocular muscles strong, and if not practiced your eyes get worse. This can be a risk for many of us who spend the day on our computers and never get outside to look around. The brain follows the movements of the eye and the neural circuits have to cope.

He recommends 5 to 10 minutes three times a week. He also suggests practicing near/far focus exercises as well. Some of this kind of work is used for post-concussion training – not just because of visions and balance and the brain’s ability to make sense of the environment but to also parse time.

It does feel like the app could be beneficial for those who sometimes find they don’t track the ball consistently.

The app has a variety of patterns and speed adjustments to play with.

Let us know of you find it useful!
