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From Villian to Hero, Mostafa Asal’s Journey to Redemption

Asal vs Gawad Youtube video image

Navigating Controversy, Embracing Redemption, and Inspiring Future Generations in Squash

Known as the “Raging Bull,” Mostafa Asal’s journey in the squash world is a fascinating narrative that continues to evolve. Initially, Asal was perceived by many as a controversial figure due to his animated, over-the-top celebrations combined with his undeniable talent. However, as time went on, some of Asal’s court behavior caused him to become a polarizing figure in the world of squash, sparking debates about his sportsmanship and the evolution of the game.

Asalโ€™s outspoken fatherโ€™s 10-month ban from the PSA tour might have garnered him some sympathy, but it was Mostafa Asal’s own contentious on-court behavior that led to multiple suspensions, fully casting him into the role of a villain. His latest suspension, with footage and additional camera angles from matches against Joel Makin and Mazen Hesham at the PSA World Championships, provided damning evidence. Even his most loyal supporters found his on-court choices difficult to defend.

An article in Unsquashable stated, “This recurring drama has become both tiresome and detrimental to the sport of squash. The concern is that upon Asal’s return to the court, we may find that the more things change, the more they remain the same. “

It may have been the wake-up call that Asal and his team needed.

Transforming from a villain to a hero involves recognizing one’s faults and understanding the consequences of one’s actions. Initially, Asalโ€™s father responded to criticism with conspiracies against his son, which did not bode well for the young player heavily influenced by his father. However, an article in SquashMad quotes Asal as saying, โ€œI have been wrong a lot, but Iโ€™m maturing. Iโ€™m still 22 so Iโ€™m finding the right balance with the right people. Thankfully, the third time when I was banned, I learned a lot of things and I went to the right people.โ€

Skepticism remains natural when someone claims to have changed. We needed to see evidence that our villain was actively working towards positive change by rejecting his old ways and adopting new values. Asal began working with former world number one player, James Willstrop. Willstrop, known for his sportsmanlike behavior, came from a legacy of fairness and respect, instilled by his legendary coach father, Malcolm Willstrop. Malcolm once said, “I have a general life philosophy. Mine is based around fairness, good behaviour and enjoyment. My kids have to be disciplined and respectful.” James himself has written about the importance of inward aggression while preserving respect and fair play in the sport.

The real test was how Asal would perform when he returned to the tour. Encouragingly, his behavior on the court began to change. Asal credited this improvement to his time with Willstrop, saying, โ€œAll credit to Pontefract and Jimbo [James Willstrop], theyโ€™re helping me change my attitude a little bit.โ€

Ultimately, the journey from villain to hero requires earning the respect and acceptance of those around you, including former enemies and skeptics. While some will always remain firmly entrenched in their views, there are signs of shifting perceptions. A few months ago a Reddit user asked, “Any other Asal converts out there?” suggesting a growing number of fans willing to reconsider their stance on Asal.

Belief bias plays a significant role in how people perceive Asal. Once opinions are formed, some individuals will never shift their view of him, regardless of his actions. And has he completely changed? Just a few days ago, Asal was seen using his back leg to block his opponent in the final moments of the second game against Gawad in the PSA World Tour Finals 2023-24, which led to the referee calling a stroke and causing Asal to lose the second game.

The camp is divided and will likely remain so. Some believe a leopard won’t change its spots and will be more likely to focus on any questionable behavior, behavior that might get overlooked or at least forgotten more easily it was from another player. But we do see change. Only time will tell if it is enough.

On the other hand, Asal’s fans long for his evolution to continue in the right direction, not just because we love a good story, but because of the greater impact it will have. If Asal continues to redefine himself and his role in the squash world, his journey will serve as a powerful example to the many new and up-and-coming players. And if it does, his evolution inspires the belief of a brighter future and serves as the ultimate sports story for us all.

But then, since a good story is often defined by its villain, it would leave us to wonder: Who will be the next to step into that role?

Background Reading:

Squash’s Latest Villain: Dirty Play By Asal?



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