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Nine Tips to stay focused during an entire squash match

male player playing squash

The game of squash is cognitively very demanding. Not only do we need to concentrate on how and where we are hitting the ball, but we also need to pick up where our opponents are on the court, the kinds of shots they are likely to play, and the clues that give us and idea of where the ball is going next, as well as our opponents weakness. And it’s all happening at a break-neck speed.

It’s a lot to concentrate on. Often players will come off the court between games and wonder why they did well in the first game or two only to fall apart after. It often has to do with a drop in focus.

Here are nine tips that may help you stay focused during a squash match:

  1. Set a goal for yourself before the match starts. Having a specific objective can help you stay focused and motivated.
  2. Stay hydrated. Dehydration can affect your focus and performance, so it’s important to stay hydrated.
  3. Make sure you are eating well. The brain’s fuel is glucose. Glucose either comes from carbohydrates or is produced in the body from non-carbohydrate food and drinks. However, both dips and sharp spikes in blood glucose levels can cause fatigue. Being well-nourished can help you maintain focus and energy levels during the match.
  4. Whether it’s frustration, nervousness, or even a strong desire to win, our emotions can cause us to lose focus. Use deep breathing and visualization techniques to calm your mind. Taking deep breaths and visualizing yourself playing well can help you stay focused and calm under pressure.
  5. Stay in the present moment. It’s easy to get caught up in thoughts about the past or future, but try to stay focused on the present moment and your current shot.
  6. Take a mental break between points. Instead of thinking about your next shot, take a few seconds to clear your mind and refocus.
  7. Stay positive and try not to get too discouraged if you make mistakes. Let the mistakes go, and focus on the present moment to try to stay in the game.
  8. Use positive self-talk to boost your confidence and stay focused. Remind yourself of your strengths and that you are capable of performing well. Remember that you can only control what you can control. In many ways, whether you win or lose is outside your control because you can’t control your opponent, and the degree to which you can perform is based on many factors outside of your control as well. What you can control are your thoughts and your efforts.
  9. Being able to focus is something we can develop and improve. Practice mindfulness and focus techniques outside of your squash matches. Building these skills through regular practice can help you stay focused during matches.



