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Rankings, Ratings and Club Locker

Club Locker is currently being used by US Squash, the World Squash Federation, England Squash and Squash Canada for rankings, as well as for tournaments, reservations, etc. Some clubs and leagues may also use the platform.

Tournaments may use ClubLocker for seeding.

How Do The Club Locker Ratings Work?

Clublocker uses a system that compares the player results to create ratings. Therefor players must have at least one win and one loss to get a rating.

While clublocker is considered fairly accurate, in reality, if you have not played very many matches within the clublocker system, or the players you’ve played have not played very many matches recorded in the system, or the players play in a limited pool, the rating will not be as accurate. .

For example, in some cities there are competitive leagues that are not recorded in clublocker. A true “A” level player that plays in the league could have a lower rating of an lower ability “A” level player who frequently plays tournaments within the Club Locker system.

For example if two players were only ever to play each other, and each tends to win half the time we would only know how the players are to each other. We don’t know where they sit within the general ability of squash players.

Time and freqency matters. The more recent the matches played, the more weight given to those matches. Players who have not played many matches recorded in clublocker , or many matches recently may have a much lower rating than their actual ability. Your rating can change relatively quickly at first, but the more you play, the more reliable the results, and then your rating tends to not move quite as quickly in either direction.

Ratings for doubles might be even more inaccurate because of the complexity of the partnerships.

You might be the weaker player of a doubles team playing with a strong player, and winning matches due to your partner’s better ability. The reverse is also the case, if you are the stronger player, you may be losing matches based on your partners ability causing you to lose rallies. Clublocker cannot easily captures the differnece between partners abiltiies except by players partnering with different players and playing different teams over time.

Results matter. Winning a match 3-0, is better than winning 3-2. Winning against a high ranked players will raise your ranking more ethan winning against a lower ranked player.

The more you play matches in clublocker, and the more different opponents you play the more accurate the ratings will be. However, for those that are playing a variety of tournaments and often, the rating still can provide a ball park idea of how good they are if you compare your rating with anothers.

Club Locker

To learn more about what affects ratings on Club Locker visit any of these sites:

US Squash

Squash Canada

Squash Ontario

Squash BC

(US) CSA College rankings



